Hydrosphere (2023)
Jo Darvall Jo Darvall

Hydrosphere (2023)

An interest in the interconectedness of the earth and sky throughout my own work led to the development of Hydrosphere.

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Winged Realm
Loren Holmes Loren Holmes

Winged Realm

The works in Mooro Katta are an attempt to develop a new understanding of a culturally significant and powerful area that remains a special place for everyone to share and enjoy.

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Loren Holmes Loren Holmes


The works in Mooro Katta are an attempt to develop a new understanding of a culturally significant and powerful area that remains a special place for everyone to share and enjoy.

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Moora Katta
Loren Holmes Loren Holmes

Moora Katta

The works in Mooro Katta are an attempt to develop a new understanding of a culturally significant and powerful area that remains a special place for everyone to share and enjoy.

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Loren Holmes Loren Holmes


The great 100 foot Karri trees arch over my head, my heart jumps a beat. I am breathless with the beauty of the Boranup Forest and instantly make plans to return to walk amongst the trees and make sketches to create a new series of works.

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Loren Holmes Loren Holmes


The works in Mooro Katta are an attempt to develop a new understanding of a culturally significant and powerful area that remains a special place for everyone to share and enjoy.

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